Piyush Anand

Information System Graduate Student at
Northeastern University, Boston

Seeking Full Time Opportunities for Summer 2023

About Me

I am pursuing Masters of Science in Information System from Northeastern University, Boston. My courses at Northeastern include Application Engineering and Development, Data Science Engineering Methods, Data Management, Database Design, Big Data Architecture and Big-Data Systems and Intelligence Analytics.Currently, I have joined Digital.ai as a DevOps Engineer Co-op.I have five years of industry experience working for TATA Consultancy Services. During these years, I have majorly worked in relational database development, python, automation, deploying applications on Kubernetes platform. My area of interest lies in ** Software and Data Engineering** roles.In my leisure time, I love going on hikes, playing lawn tennis and swimming.


Master's of Science in Information Systems
Northeastern University, Boston, MA, May, 2023
Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
Visvesvaraya Technological University, India, 2016

Technical Skills

Programming: Python, Java, Shell, R, Bash, JavaScript, Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, SQL, PL/SQL, T-SQL, NoSQLTechnology: Docker Containers, Kubernetes, Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, Hive, Cloud (AWS, GCP, Azure)Tools: MLflow, Prefect, Airflow, RedHat OpenShift, Hashicorp Vault, Terraform, Maven, Jenkins, Ansible, Autosys, Postman, Tableau, Prometheus, Grafana, MS Visio, MS Excel, SQL Developer, PuttyDatabase: Oracle 10g, MS SQL Server 2019, Neo4j, MongoDB, BigQuery

Defect Detection


Build a CNN model implementing Augmentation technique, Cutmix and Mixup for detecting defects in manufacturing parts, achieving accuracy of 90%

Organ Donation


Designed and implemented a software system in Java to manage workflow between entities for ease in Organ Donation process and GUI using Java Swing

Retail Store


Designed a relational database management system for a retail store using SQL Server and Business Intelligence Reports using Power BI

Tableau Dashboard


Hands on experience in data visualization for insights using tableau.

News Aggregator


Build end-to-end application User Centric News Article Aggregator from NY Times using Airflow, NLP Models, MongoDB, Streamlit hosted on Google Cloud.



Enrolled in MLOps ZoomCamp with a comprehensive understanding of productionizing a ML services with tools like MLflow, Prefect, FastAPI, Pytest, Terraform.

Vaccination Alert


Helped family and friends to get notification of Covid Vaccination slot on Telegram instant messenger using Python and REST API

Micro Python Projects


Exploring python libraries for Web Scraping, REST API, Web Application using Flask